
Monday - Happy Birthday Grace and Craig!
Trudy did laundry this morning.  Her family is driving to New Hamburg to spend a few days with her mom, Carolyn.  Kendell and Pearl are traveling to New Hamburg with us on the boat. 
We took off after lunch leaving behind Jersey City and Manhattan.  Jerry thought it would be more interesting to do the Statue of Liberty, East and Harlem Rivers on our way up the Hudson.  I think Kendell and Pearl agreed. 
Passed the sloop Clearwater belonging to an organization founded by folk singer Pete Seegar and his wife.  The organization, Hudson River Sloop Clearwater was established in the 60s to clean up protect the Hudson River and surrounding wetlands and waterways through advocacy and public education. 

Cruised passed the Palisades.  I was expecting a much more dramatic site.  It may have been if the sun would have been shining from different angles.  Our pictures are dark so not even going to offer them up.
Kendell and Pearl took lots of pictures, unfortunately we didn't get them loaded on the computer before they took off.  If I get them I'll update the blog.  I'm sure their pictures are excellent and cover much more than I have for these few days.
Our travels took us to Croton Bay on the Hudson.  We anchored in a lovely cove not far from a beach.  Arrived about 7:30pm.  Had dinner and just enjoyed the evening with family on the boat. 
Tuesday - Decided to hang out another day.  Kendell and Pearl got the dinghy out and rowed to the beach.  As they got closer, signs were posted that prohibited wading, swimming and water craft.  They decided they weren't in a watercraft so beached the dinghy and walked around.  After awhile, they rowed back to Wind Song. 

Jerry offered the motor for the dinghy so they could go into Croton.  No question, they were into that.  The 4hp Evinrude motor is carried on the bow of the boat.  It weighs over 50 pounds so is too heavy to carry on the davits.  We towed them to the front of the boat, Jerry lifted the motor down to the dinghy, Kendell tightened it down and after a few basic instructions, they were off. 
They cruised into Half Moon Bay Marina.  To leave the dinghy there while they went into town cost them $10.  Kendell saw fellow loopers loading their boat.  He asked if they knew Wind Song.  They did, it was Carl and Glenda on Goldleaf.  They were returning from a trip home to Iowa.
Kendell and Pearl motored back late in the afternoon.  The day had gotten quite warm so they decided a dip would be in order.   

Kendell was first in the water. Just jump in and get it over with is his philosphy. Pearl was hesitant. Not so sure she liked that idea, in fact as she was sitting on the side of the boat, Jerry standing next to her, she kept saying "don't push me". Finally, she went to the swim platform and eased into the water. Looked tortuous to me. Once they got used to the water, it was great, so they said. I didn't get in. 

Next thing  I knew Jerry was in his trunks and jumping off the side of the boat. 

After a shower, Pearl put a fishing pole in the water using lures and didn't get anything so she helped with dinner.  What a great evening, it cooled down and we enjoyed the sunset.

Wednesday - we were out early, just after 7am. Want to put some miles under the boat.  This morning our journey took us by some incredible scenery

We couldn't get over the number of trains rolling past us.  Both freight and passenger trains on both sides of the Hudson.

This was just a neat shot with the train in between the deck and the house.

One of the many bridges we passed.

Pearl and Kendell taking it all in from the deck of the boat.  And the temperatures were perfect until about 10:30am.  This was the beginning of a 3-day heat wave.

 Our first view of West Point.  In the past, pleasure boats could dock here for the tour, but no more.  Security wasn't to be seen which kind of surprised me.

Just another view of West Point.
Shortly after we past West Point, we arrived at New Hamburg.  Jerry wanted to add some fuel to make sure we could make it to the cheap fuel close to the end of the Eastern Erie Canal.  So we fueled up at White's Marina.  We could see Trudy at the New Hamburg Yacht Club just past White's.  She walked over along with Carolyn, Joe, Grace, Dylan and Rose. 
It was really getting hot so while they waited for us to get fueled, they either found some shade or got on the sundeck to get out of the sun.  We invited Carolyn on board to see the boat.  She in turn invited us to their home for brunch.  White's said we could just leave the boat on the fuel dock while we were gone.  It was only a couple of blocks to the house.  Michael was busy cooking.  We all sat around the table for a wonderful meal.  Enjoyable having everyone together.
Jerry and I said our good-bys and were off again.  The heat was miserable so we kept going just so we could have a breeze.  At 3pm the heat index was 104F, water temp 72.4.

The barge has a slot in its structure specifically for the tow to fit into.  We saw other barge/tow vessels like this

No passengers on the Statue Cruises tour boat.  Not sure what this boat was doing this far from NYC.  Maybe just lost its way.
Mansion looking over the Hudson.  Saw several tucked away in the trees.  Couldn't get much of a picture of them though.

The Esopus Meadows Lighthouse was originally built in 1838 for $6000 appropriated by the US Government to warn ships of dangerous shallows and mud flats.  It was rebuilt in the 1860s and is considered a "family lighthouse" for a keeper and family.  There are 7 rooms, kitchen, dining and sitting rooms on the first floor, bedrooms up.  It is fully automated now and is the only existing lighthouse built with wood frame and clapboard exterior.   It's considered unsafe to visit at this time.
This barge/tow showed up on AIS and we could tell it would quickly overtake us so we just slid over to the side of the channel and let him pass.  You know when the law of tonnage applies.

Another lighthouse on the Hudson.

We finally stopped about 7pm at Middle Ground Flats close to Athens, NY. We traveled 83.3 miles today in 10 hours, averaging 8mph.  Total miles traveled to date, 4,063. Our anchorage was just off an island with the channel on the other side.  Fishing boats and jet skis continued whipping around us for an hour or so more of daylight.  We closed up the boat, turned on the generator and the AC to cool down so we could sleep.  It's amazing how being on the water makes such a difference in temperatures especially at night, thank goodness.  So turned off the gen before going to bed and opened the windows.  It was warm, but tolerable.
Thursday - Our destination today is Waterford Visitor's Center at the beginning of the Erie Canal.  They offer a free dock with power so we wanted to make sure we got a place on the wall since it was still extremely warm.  Out on the sundeck this morning we are visited by many small butterflies.  The isinglass was open all night and they came in on the bridge and sundeck. 

Kayaks along the shore.

Water was glassy smooth.  A little hazy this morning.
Just an interesting house with a totem pole in the yard.

Usually the tows pull barges if the water is particularly rough.  Saw this mostly on the Chesapeake. Kind of surprised to see on the Hudson.

Beautiful house with a gorgeous view on the bluffs of the Hudson.

Skyline of Albany, NY
NY State Capital building
A restaurant on the river in Albany

Troy Lock, the first of 31 locks.  This is a Corp of Engineers lock, the others are operated by the  NY Canal System.
So I'm driving into the lock and I haven't done a one in quite awhile.  I am apprehensive of course.  The winds are fairly strong from the west, so we do a starboard tie thinking the winds will just push us into that side of the lock.  Jerry is on deck.  I get us close so he can tie up.  The wind caught us before he could get a line on.  I tried to get us back but the wind was wrapping around us and pushing the boat off the wall.  After several attempts, I changed places with Jerry.  The lockmaster offered a line.  He tossed it to the boat and we were finally lifted 14' and were out of the lock.

Not far past the lock we made a left turn at this sign to Waterford and the beginning of the Erie Canal.

At the Visitor's Center, MaryJo gave us the scoop on Waterford.  She told us where the restaurants are that we need to try, the laundromat and grocery.  One of the grocery stores lets boaters bring the carts to the Visitor's Center then they come by once a week to pick them up.  Along the walkway, bricks have been layed showing the Erie Canal and each lock.  It's a very nice place to stay.  Free dock and power for only $10/day.  Such a deal compared to the $3/ft + $20 for power in NYC.

We walked into town, had an ice tea at Don and Paul's cafe, found the laundromat then walked back to be in the air conditioning of the boat.  After it cooled off, we hauled laundry to town (about 3-4 blocks).  Treated ourselves to ice cream while the laundry was running. 

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